
Thursday 30 June 2011

Bonus Podling time

Blue skies and open fields beat the classroom hands down! 

Tom's teacher was on strike today and for reasons that would take too long to go into I opted to keep Lily home from school as well. Since I found myself with a whole day of bonus Podling time and the weather was dry, I decided it would be nice to spend lots of it outdoors. We went to the park near the house in the morning, but had to head home as I had some shopping coming at lunchtime. As a hat tip to the fact that it was supposed to be a schoolday, I did some school work with the Podlings during Emma's naptime. With that under our belts, I felt we could go out and enjoy the blue skies with a clear conscience.

We packed a basket of goodies, put Emma in the pram and took the 15 minute walk to a local country park. The Podlings had a great time in the play park and running on the grass before we laid out our blanket and sat down for our little picnic.

We had a lovely day and I really enjoyed my bonus time with the Podlings. Roll on the summer holidays!

Off to the park 

Tom with his 'camera smile'


Bend and stretch! 

Emma accosting the picnic basket

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