On Sunday we had the pleasure of attending the wedding of Rob and Tracy at the Park House Hotel in Shifnel. Mark and Rob used to work together and we were honoured to have been asked to share their day with them. The Podlings were on their best behaviour and had a wonderful time. A particular hit was the children's entertainer they laid on during the speeches, which we thought was a fabulous idea. We got to enjoy the speeches and the Podlings got to not enjoy the speeches! They had a splendid time playing party games and collected lots of little prizes and were altogether in good spirits when we went to fetch them. We were, it is fair to say, rather less thrilled to discover each of our children proudly sporting a temporary tattoo. Mark and I think they are ghastly and won't let the children have them. For one thing, they don't scrub off and the children had school the next day! Lily was particularly thrilled with hers (a glittery fairy on her forearm) as she has been after one for a long time. Oh well, what's done is done! I shall be glad when they finally wash off though!
Unfortunately we had to leave shortly after the Disco started as the Podlings had school and playgroup the next morning. Lily had really only just got into the full swing of her dancing and burst into tears when it was time to leave. Lily and Emma fell asleep in the car on the way home and it was three sleepy little Podlings that I had to drag out of bed on Monday morning. We all had a wonderful time though and it was lovely to see Rob and Tracy so happy.
The Happy Couple
Tom looking dapper in his three piece suit. Now if I could just find some way of keeping his shirt tucked in...
Lily looking adorable as usual
Lily wanted to take a photo of me. It's a little out of focus, but she is getting quite good at taking pictures with my camera now.
The Podlings loved playing by this fountain while we were waiting for the photography to come to an end. I was rather afraid one of them would end up in it, but thankfully nobody did!
Emma looking adorable in one of her pretty Sarah Louise dresses. I love having little girls to dress up!
The photos did go on for a while and Emma started to flag a bit. She started asking incessantly for milk (which she still calls 'mucky' even though she knows the proper word) and didn't pick up until we acquired her a glass. It certainly re-energised her though as she was soon back in full fettle.
As wedding presents go, Tracy's to Rob was rather impressive. Unbeknownst to him, she had had a recording made of herself singing Shania Twain's 'When you kiss me' and had it played for their first dance. Rob had no idea he was listening to his new wife singing until she told him!