
Saturday 24 September 2011

So long, farewell

Today Lily went to the hairdressers and had about six inches chopped off her hair. That sentence completely fails to convey the anguish I felt as the hairdresser took hold of her long, beautiful hair and chopped it off!

Lily has been asking to have her hair cut into a bob for at least three months, but I have been doing the mental equivalent of sticking my fingers in my ears and humming loudly! Truthfully, I think the bob is a delightful hairstyle for a little girl, but it was such a dramatic change in length for her that I wanted to be absolutely sure that she really wanted it done and it wasn't just a passing whim. She prefers to wear her hair down, but hates to have it brushed, so a shorter style did make sense. She has been asking quite consistently, so I finally gave in this weekend and took her on her first visit to the hairdressers (I have always cut her hair in the past).

All the way to the hairdressers I kept asking, "Are you sure, really sure, that you want all your hair cut off?" Right up to the last minute I gave her the chance to opt out, but she maintained that she definitely wanted a bob. So off came the hair and Mummy felt rather sad! She briefly looked a bit sad when she first saw the new length, but as the hairdresser continued to style her hair, she beamed happily and was clearly as pleased as punch with the new cut. I, meanwhile, sat nearby holding the discarded ponytail wistfully! Oh, her hair was so beautifully long!

I have to admit that she looks absolutely lovely with her new bob and I think it really suits her. Lily did get a bit sad at bedtime saying that she wanted her old hair back, but I think that was mainly down to tiredness. She has been really pleased with it and I kept catching her stealing glances of herself in reflective surfaces all day! I have promised to get her some pretty hairbands to wear and she is really looking forward to going to school with her new bob. I think she looks adorable!

 The 'before' picture. Oh my, it was long!

On the way home from the hairdressers.

1 comment:

Hollace said...

It looks adorable! (But how could you go wrong with that face?)