
Sunday 8 December 2013

Poorly Bear

Emma was off school Thursday and Friday with a fever. She couldn't walk, or even stand, without her head hurting and she obviously was feeling very poorly. This didn't stop her from trying to enjoy the time we had together. As soon as Mark took Tom and Lily to school on Thursday, she was asking to do an art project. We used to do a lot together when it was just the two of us at home and she was obviously trying to recapture some of that, despite feeling poorly.

I knew she wouldn't be up to much, so we just made a few Christmas ornaments from card, stickers and glitter. She would have liked to keep going, but she just didn't have it in her so I carried her upstairs and I tucked her up in my bed for a nap. It was an exceptionally windy day, so I lay down next to her as she was scared by the sound of the wind. As we lay there together, she kept leaning over for kiss, telling me she loved me and saying, "It's just the two of us at home, isn't it?". The poor love is finding it hard to adjust to being away from me all day at school and she has obviously missed our special time together. I know how much I have missed her since she started school, so whilst I was sad that she was ill, I really loved getting to spend some time with her again. She is much too young to be at school (she only turned four at the start of the summer holidays) and I do think it is a bit much for her at times.

On Friday she was still very ill, so we just spent the day cuddled up on the sofa and watched a lot of Disney princess movies. Thankfully she started to pick up on Saturday, so she was well in time for the weekend. I guess the school will have to have her back on Monday. I'll miss her, my sweet little girl!

She later decided to embellish the bird further with gem stickers, of which you can never have too many apparently!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Love Mum. xxx