Yesterday I celebrated my 33rd birthday, in honour of which I thought I would post 33 random facts about myself. So here you have, in no particular order, 33 things you never wanted to know about yours truly:
- My middle name is Margaret, after my mother (who was named after her mother, who was named after her mother...)
- I have a degree in Applied Chemistry and a PhD in Polymer Chemistry and yet...
- Being a wife, mother and homemaker is my dream job. It doesn't get any better than this!
- My PhD viva (oral exam) is the single most terrifying thing I have ever done in my life
- I still occasionally have nightmares about not having finished my thesis and being unprepared for my viva.
- I was Head Girl of my secondary school.
- I don't have a driving license.
- As a child, I lived in Malaysia for three years and Brunei for two.
- I can't handle flying insects in the house. I usually beat a hasty retreat if there is one in the room, even though they don't bother me when they are outside.
- I'm afraid of wasps.
- I am dreadfully old-fashioned
- I play the flute and the piano (though I am dreadfully out of practice)
- My ironing pile is my Nemesis. I never seem to reach the bottom of it, even though...
- I enjoy ironing!
- I can't resist chocolate. You can't beat Cadbury's Dairy Milk, but I also love Swiss chocolate (especially Lindt Lindor). I think Belgian chocolate is overrated.
- I like to collect china and glassware and have a thing for cake stands!
- I love flowers and florals.
- My favourite flowers are roses and daisies, preferably together.
- I love to do hand sewing and embroidery and have a thing for bullion knot roses. I'd put them on everything given half a chance!
- I love to read and, if you've read my profile, you'll know that I favour the classics.
- Joining the library has never saved me money. If I like a book I have borrowed then I have to buy my own copy. You can never have too many books!
- I hate clutter and can't handle disorganisation and chaos.
- I have three young children, so I'm learning to live with it!
- I'm afraid of heights.
- I love tea, except when I'm pregnant. I couldn't stand the stuff for the whole of my pregnancy with Emma and then drank two cups within an hour of having her.
- I love being pregnant.
- I could live quite happily without a television (but my husband couldn't!)
- I love the British countryside. England is indeed a green and pleasant land.
- I think the song of the blackbird is one of the most beautiful sounds on Earth.
- I love to travel and, thus far, have visited 17 countries over three continents. Germany is my favourite (after England of course!)
- Though I can understand a reasonable amount of German, I speak very little. This despite the fact that I excelled in German at school. Use it or lose it I suppose!
- I always have more energy when the sun in shining.
- I love my life and feel extremely blessed. God is good.
Happy birthday! Oddly I was only thinking today that it must be your birthday soon (only a little out!) I know what you mean about the ironing pile, mine is the same. I can see it mocking me from here!
Happy Birthday!
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