
Wednesday 1 April 2009

A Podling picnic

We've been enjoying some lovely spring weather this week, which has allowed us to spend a lot of time outdoors. The Podlings spent almost all day today playing in the garden and haven't spent much time in the house at all. Although the weather wasn't exactly tropical, it was just warm enough for us to enjoy our first outdoor picnic of the year.

The Podlings love picnics and would have them all year round if they were allowed to. We will sometimes lay down a blanket in the playroom or lounge when the weather is bad and enjoy an indoor picnic just for the fun of it. This afternoon I took some muffins, cookies, satsumas, Mini Cheddars and strawberry juice into the garden for a special afternoon treat. As we enjoyed our food, I read them "Polly's picnic" by Richard Hamilton. The story tells of how a little girl's picnic is spoiled by a succession of greedy animals and is one of the Podling's favourite books. It seemed fitting to read it whilst enjoying our first picnic of the year. No doubt it will be the first of many such picnics if the weather permits.

1 comment:

Lainey said...

I notice the satsumas look untouched on the tray!