Thanks to Pickfords losing half the parts to Tom's cot during the move, our little man is now sleeping in a 'big boy' bed. Luckily, we had a spare single bed that my mum had given us when she turned my sister's bedroom into a sewing room (don't worry, she did wait until she moved out!). It is an orthopaedic bed, so it is quite high and Tom can't actually get in it on his own. However, since he still wears his sleeping bag to bed and doesn't climb out, this hasn't been a problem. Until yesterday. He has been favouring 'rest time' over nap time recently, but after a busy weekend he has been sleepy the last two lunchtimes. Yesterday, he seemed to be making more noise than usual, but seemed happy until all went quiet, signifying that he had gone to sleep. I went to wake him a bit later and found him curled up asleep on the floor in his sleeping bag. He had obviously climbed out of bed to play and then been unable to get back in again. The poor thing couldn't have slept well because he woke up very cranky. He had the imprint from the carpet on his little cheek and wasn't at all happy. Needless to say, I felt very guilty for not rescuing my poor boy from his uncomfortable slumber sooner. I found chocolate buttons to be a suitable remedy for both his crankiness and my guilt!
"Sleeping baby" by Grant
1 comment:
Hi Paula, will have a proper read tonight. Thanks for your lovely present for Katie. She is already playing with rattle (Danny is helping though)
Here is my blog. http://aldamama.blogspot.com/
Need to update it but Life with 3 is just manic.
Take care.
Andrea. xxx
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