My first attempt at uploading video to the blog shows Emma dancing to one of the tunes on her 'Pretty Please' tea pot. Every single time she hears this tune she starts bobbing up and down and waving her arms around in exuberant fashion. She has been dancing with gusto all day, but by the time I thought to video her doing it, the length of the dance had diminished. She was jigging to the whole tune earlier today.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Thirty three

Yesterday I celebrated my 33rd birthday, in honour of which I thought I would post 33 random facts about myself. So here you have, in no particular order, 33 things you never wanted to know about yours truly:
- My middle name is Margaret, after my mother (who was named after her mother, who was named after her mother...)
- I have a degree in Applied Chemistry and a PhD in Polymer Chemistry and yet...
- Being a wife, mother and homemaker is my dream job. It doesn't get any better than this!
- My PhD viva (oral exam) is the single most terrifying thing I have ever done in my life
- I still occasionally have nightmares about not having finished my thesis and being unprepared for my viva.
- I was Head Girl of my secondary school.
- I don't have a driving license.
- As a child, I lived in Malaysia for three years and Brunei for two.
- I can't handle flying insects in the house. I usually beat a hasty retreat if there is one in the room, even though they don't bother me when they are outside.
- I'm afraid of wasps.
- I am dreadfully old-fashioned
- I play the flute and the piano (though I am dreadfully out of practice)
- My ironing pile is my Nemesis. I never seem to reach the bottom of it, even though...
- I enjoy ironing!
- I can't resist chocolate. You can't beat Cadbury's Dairy Milk, but I also love Swiss chocolate (especially Lindt Lindor). I think Belgian chocolate is overrated.
- I like to collect china and glassware and have a thing for cake stands!
- I love flowers and florals.
- My favourite flowers are roses and daisies, preferably together.
- I love to do hand sewing and embroidery and have a thing for bullion knot roses. I'd put them on everything given half a chance!
- I love to read and, if you've read my profile, you'll know that I favour the classics.
- Joining the library has never saved me money. If I like a book I have borrowed then I have to buy my own copy. You can never have too many books!
- I hate clutter and can't handle disorganisation and chaos.
- I have three young children, so I'm learning to live with it!
- I'm afraid of heights.
- I love tea, except when I'm pregnant. I couldn't stand the stuff for the whole of my pregnancy with Emma and then drank two cups within an hour of having her.
- I love being pregnant.
- I could live quite happily without a television (but my husband couldn't!)
- I love the British countryside. England is indeed a green and pleasant land.
- I think the song of the blackbird is one of the most beautiful sounds on Earth.
- I love to travel and, thus far, have visited 17 countries over three continents. Germany is my favourite (after England of course!)
- Though I can understand a reasonable amount of German, I speak very little. This despite the fact that I excelled in German at school. Use it or lose it I suppose!
- I always have more energy when the sun in shining.
- I love my life and feel extremely blessed. God is good.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
9 months old
She is very much a Mummy's girl at the moment and gets very upset if I walk away or leave the room. She has also developed an unfortunate penchant for screaming loudly when she is bored or frustrated. She has always been a very vocal baby, but this particular means of communication is somewhat less endearing than the rest of her baby chatter. It is, in fact, quite annoying!
Emma is growing and developing at such a pace at the moment. It never ceases to amaze me how fast babies develop between six and twelve months. She is such a funny little character, with quite firm opinions. I think she is going to be quite strong willed! She is certainly quite determined not to let me get a decent night's sleep, bless her!
Monday, 19 April 2010
Sick note
Thursday, 8 April 2010
More Easter photos...
Tom doesn't like chocolate. Quite how I produced a child that doesn't like chocolate is beyond me! Thankfully we were able to find a Haribo egg for him. The boy loves his jelly sweets.
We gave Tom and Lily a craft pack each for Easter. They have spent many happy hours since colouring and sticking (and spreading poms poms and sequins all over my kitchen!)
Lily is never happier than when she has a pot of glue and some collage materials
Tom is really into colouring and crafting at the moment. This is something I have really seen an improvement in since he started school. I struggled to maintain his interest in a lot of craft activities when he was younger. Much as I would have loved to teach my children myself, I cannot deny the improvements Tom has made in his two terms at school. It is a very good school and he really seems to be thriving there.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Emma's first Easter
"What exactly is one supposed to do with this thing?"
"Perhaps one eats it!"
At eight months old, Emma is obviously too young for an Easter egg. Not wanting her to miss out on all the Easter treats, I bought her a chocolate pudding and some chocolate baby biscuits (although it says '9 months onwards' on the packet, Emma is very good with finger foods). She went into raptures over the biscotti and now she smiles every time I give her one!

Easter victuals
Would it surprise you to learn that we topped off our Easter Sunday celebrations with a special tea? Mark's mum and dad spent Easter Sunday with us, so I did a roast chicken with the usual trimmings for lunch. I made an apple and blackberry crumble for pudding and served it with custard. One shouldn't be fancying such things in April, but it has been so cold here lately that I'm still wanting winter fare!
Our Easter tea table included sandwiches (one lot of cheese, one of egg), Shrewsbury biscuits, fairy cakes, fruit and Easter nests (chocolate covered Shredded Wheat with Cadbury's mini eggs in the centre). As if we hadn't already consumed enough sugar!
Monday, 5 April 2010
Egg hunt
Decorating eggs
Taking a chance by putting all our eggs in one basket!
.On Saturday, the Podlings and I dyed and decorated some eggs to use for a colourful centrepiece for our Easter table. Using stickers instead of paints and pens allowed the Podlings to get creative and make beautiful eggs without creating a lot of mess. They had a lot of fun and clean up took no time at all. A win/win situation!
The colour purple
Mark gave Emma her pudding today whilst I did some cleaning upstairs. Having eaten only half of her apple and blueberry dessert, Mark put the bowl well out of her reach on the dining room table while he quickly popped upstairs to ask me something. Unfortunately, Mark didn't take the Lily Factor into account. On coming back downstairs, Lily cheerfully called out "I'm feeding Emma!". I walked into the dining room to find that Lily had handed the half full bowl of purple pudding to Emma, who was having a ball smearing it all over herself and every available surface of her highchair. I removed her bib ready to throw the now purple baby in the bath and was rather amused to find a perfect bib shape on her babygro beneath...the only part of her that wasn't covered in pudding! Could this baby look any more pleased with herself!
Mark gave Emma her pudding today whilst I did some cleaning upstairs. Having eaten only half of her apple and blueberry dessert, Mark put the bowl well out of her reach on the dining room table while he quickly popped upstairs to ask me something. Unfortunately, Mark didn't take the Lily Factor into account. On coming back downstairs, Lily cheerfully called out "I'm feeding Emma!". I walked into the dining room to find that Lily had handed the half full bowl of purple pudding to Emma, who was having a ball smearing it all over herself and every available surface of her highchair. I removed her bib ready to throw the now purple baby in the bath and was rather amused to find a perfect bib shape on her babygro beneath...the only part of her that wasn't covered in pudding! Could this baby look any more pleased with herself!
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Happy Easter!
Friday, 2 April 2010
Good Friday
John 19:17-19
The Podlings and I made a little centrepiece for our Good Friday table this evening. We made crosses out of lolly sticks and blue tack (nothing fancy!) and placed them in a bowl of sand. I explained to them how Jesus was crucified alongside two robbers. I'm not sure Tom entirely got the point of the story as he put a happy sticker on his cross! In front of the tallest cross I put a heart shaped stone that we found on the beach last year. I explained to Tom and Lily that this was to remind us that God loves us and that is why Jesus died for us. Children work well with visuals, so I'm hoping our little centrepiece might have helped them to understand what Good Friday is all about.
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