My Christmas morning started at 7.30am when Emma woke up for her morning bottle, but Lily wasn't far behind. She came running into our room exclaiming 'Father Christmas gave me lots of presents!'. Tom needed a little persuading to wake up and Lily had already ripped through her stocking before Tom got out of bed! After opening the stockings, we went downstairs for their main presents. Tom and Lily were thrilled to discover that Father Christmas had brought them the bikes they had requested. Lily didn't hang about with her gifts and tore through them like a hurricane. Tom took his time opening his presents and tended to play with each new toy before opening another one. Emma had Lily to open her presents for her.
We had a wonderful Christmas day...good company, good food and good times! The Podlings really enjoyed the day and it was so nice to have all the family together. The adults didn't open the presents until the evening, which was unfortunate as my photos would have been much better quality had I opened my present from Mark in the morning. My wonderful husband gave me a fabulous new camera! I am beyond thrilled! My old camera has been slowly dying a death and hasn't been taking very good pictures lately, but I wasn't expecting to get a new one. Mark had tried to get me to open a gift a couple of times over the day, but I said I'd wait to open with everyone else. I wish I'd given in now! Never mind, from here on in my photos should be pretty good quality...once I learn my way around my new camera. Thank you Mark, I love it!