All dolled up and ready to go!..
Last night Mark and I went to see Cliff Richard and the Shadows in concert. Mark's parents had very generously given us the tickets and an evening's babysitting as a gift and we have been looking forward to it for a while. We left The Young Ones in the care of their grandparents and drove down to the Birmingham NIA for an evening of Sir Cliff. It was a little strange to be Podling-free for the evening, especially as it was the first time I have been away from Emma, but Mark and I really enjoyed just being a couple for a few hours. The concert was wonderful and I can't get over Cliff's energy at the age of 69. It was my first non-classical music concert and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We were a long way from the stage, but I managed to get a few, admittedly blurry, pictures.
It took us an age to get out of the car park and then we stopped at the good Colonel's establishment to pick up some fried chicken. By the time we had driven the hour's journey home (I slept in the car!), we didn't get to bed until half one this morning. I was up in the night to Lily and then up early for the school run, so I'm incredibly tired today. It was certainly worth the tiredness for the chance to get dressed up and spend a wonderful evening with my husband, but we are definitely having an early night tonight!
Hank Marvin plays some mean guitar..
Sir Cliff has more energy at 69 than I have at 32, but I figure he isn't running around after three children under five on limited sleep!..
.. 50 years of practice means these people are GOOD