Today was my first day on my own with three Podlings and it went pretty well. It helped that Emma slept for six solid hours last night and had to be woken for a feed at 6am, so I was reasonably well rested. Because we still haven't managed to get Tom and Lily back to their normal bedtime, they are currently sleeping late in the morning. I therefore had time to get up, drink a cup of coffee and get dressed before any of the Podlings woke this morning. I'm always in a better frame of mind if I can manage this. I had a good hour with Tom and Lily before Emma woke and the morning went pretty smoothly. Thankfully it was a dry day, so the the older Podlings were able to play outside.
I had my final midwives appointment this morning and have now been officially discharged. Emma now weighs 7lbs 8oz, so no worries there! My midwife suggested that if I have another baby, I should plan to have it at home and not even think about trying to make it to a hospital!
Mark's mum and dad came for a visit this afternoon (so technically I guess this wasn't my first day on my own) and brought a fabulous fish pie for tea. We have been so blessed by Mark's mum, who filled our freezer with casseroles, curries and sauces before Emma was born. We haven't had to cook a meal in a fortnight, which has been a huge blessing. It is so nice to be able to enjoy good home cooking at a time when our energy levels are at an all time low!
All three Podlings are now tucked up in their beds and I feel like the day went quite well. We'll be heading to bed after Emma's next feed and I'm hoping for another six hour stretch of sleep (a girl can dream can't she!). Hopefully the next couple of days on my own will go smoothly and then I have a week long visit from my parents to look forward to.