Wednesday, 18 July 2007
If the shoe fits...
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
A nature lesson
Home is where the heart is
I've finally seen our new house! For those that don't know, I wasn't able to view the house when we put the offer in as the children had chicken pox at the time and we were housebound. I have had nothing but pictures and verbal reports from my husband and in-laws to tell me what my new home would be like. My husband chose well! The new house is lovely and I can't wait to get in there and start turning it into a beautiful home for my family. There is quite a lot of work to do in the house as the lady who owned it has neglected it rather. Luckily for us, her neglect of the house has brought it into our price range. We could never have afforded to buy a house of this size if it were well decorated and well looked after. Most of the work we have to do will involve decorating, but we will have to re-fit the shower in the ensuite and have all the radiators looked at (and one replaced). Some of the laminate flooring in the utility room and the kitchen will have to be replaced at some point as the leaking radiators have damaged it. The garden has been left to itself since we had our offer accepted, so the front garden looks like a meadow and the top of the back garden resembles a jungle!
It's not all doom and gloom though. The lady very kindly gave us her conservatory furniture, which is far nicer than we could have afforded. The conservatory is the most beautiful, restful room and I am so looking forward to relaxing in it with my books. The kitchen is fantastic, with all the storage I could dream of (plus more in the utility room). The garden is huge and will be wonderful for the children to play in. Finally, we have two sitting rooms, so we can keep all the children's toys (they have A LOT of toys) in the family room and still have a nice toy-free room for us to be 'grown-ups' in in the evening. I love that my piano won't be in the 'play room' anymore. I feared for its saftey!
The furniture is being delivered on the 26th, so we plan to move in the following weekend when I have had a chance to do a bit of unpacking. We have enough work to do on the house to keep us busy over the coming months, but I am so excited about making the house the way we want it. It is going to be such a lovely home for us and I know we will be happy there. It has been rather strange being a housewife without a house, so now I can get back to doing what I love...taking care of my family and creating a lovely home for us all to live in. I truly feel blessed.
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
One step closer
A trip to the park
Tom has recently started going down the slide in a nearby toddler park, but I thought this one might intimidate him a bit. How wrong I was! Tom declared 'I want to go on 'a slide", so I climbed up to the top of the slide and his grandad lifted him up to me. With Grandad at the side of the slide, me at the top and Nanna at the bottom, Tom was soon happily shooting down the slide with cries of "Weeee!!", followed by "Again!". Next thing we know, Tom is climbing up the steps, crawling through the tunnel and sliding down the slide without a second thought. I didn't need to be there to help him, but I was so afraid of him falling from such a height! Lily came up to join me at the top of the slide and was happy to watch the proceedings until she decided to sit plum in the middle of the tunnel and refused to come out! She finally came out after some coaxing and protested vehemently when she was handed back to her grandad who was standing at ground dull for an adventurous baby girl!
Both of the Podlings had a lovely time, though I am starting to realise that my placid little Tom is fast becoming an active little boy!
Sunday, 8 July 2007
The week in pictures
Is it really a week since I last posted? Where does the time go! We have had a lovely, though uneventful week. We have had to find lots of indoor things to do with the Podlings because of the dreadful weather. In addition to teaching Tom to say "nice weather for ducks", on Tuesday we built his Thomas the Tank Engine train set. It said '3 and up' on the box. We thought it referred to the age of the child until we tried to put it together and decided it may refer to the number of adults it takes to assemble it! We finally got it together and Tom and Lily both loved it. Lily kept trying to grab Thomas off the tracks every time he went past her!
We are just coming out the other side of Tom's obsession with the Care Bear film that Uncle Ryan gave the Podlings the other week. For about a week we had it on what felt like a continuous loop. As children's films go it is actually quite tolerable and I love the music (I wonder what that says about me!). Here is a lovely picture of Tom and Lily enjoying the film with their Care Bear teddies.
We finally had some decent weather this weekend, so yesterday afternoon we took the Podlings to the park (I forgot the camera I'm afraid) and then took them out to tea as a treat. In the evening, Mark's mum and dad babysat for us, so Mark and I could go out for meal on our own. A rare treat! They babysat for us again this afternoon and Mark and I went to a local antiques and collectibles centre (not somewhere you can take two active little ones with curious hands!). We spent over an hour there and only managed to cover two of the four floors. I could spend many happy hours (not to mention lots of money!) there. We plan to go back again soon as I'd love to get some things for the new house.
Thanks to the beautiful weather we had this afternoon, the Podlings were able to spend much of the afternoon playing in the garden. Here a few pictures of them having fun outside, something they haven't been able to do very much in the past few weeks.
Sunday, 1 July 2007
Magic moments
New shoes!
Tom's car
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